Well it is the first friday in April and guess what that means! Our Morgyn is 2 months old! I cannot believe it (well 8 weeks old today and 2month on the 6th.) I often sit in awe that we have her home safe and HEALTHY!!!! They told us when she was first taken to the NICU that she could be spending 6-8weeks in the ICU! I can't imagine just getting her chunky smiling face home. I cannot give enough thanks to our heavenly father that she is healthy and growing like crazy. She is weighing in at about 11lbs these days and has the cheeks to prove it. She is a wonderful blessing in out home. Her brother and sister adore her and Josh and I love to sit and hold her and love on her constantly. She lifts her head like a champ and is smiling alot. I have yet to catch one on camera. The times I have tried they are fuzzy cause she is WIGGLY! She moves all the time unless she is asleep.
She's looking awesome and so pretty! Love ya.
Hooray Morgyn! She's so gorgeous Kara. Such an angel face.
She is adorable! Love the pictures of your backyard, you guys did a great job!
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